James is a Technical Evangelist for Live - he recently moved to Microsoft HQ's in Redmond. My apologies for missing him off this invitation - I have been amused to see the blog posts on both his site and Angus' one too asking for votes as to whether he should be allowed to join us - this thing is he suggested meeting up in the first place! James is a lovely chap and I think we should welcome him - if for nothing else but to see how many Americanisms he's picked up.
Where: The Coach and Horses pub, 29 Greek Street, Soho, London SW1V 5LL
When: 11th December from 6pm to 8pm (and onwards for anyone that fancies it)
Who'd enjoy this? Anyone who's interested in discussing cloud computing with two of the leaders from Microsoft
What do I need to know? This will be an informal chat with 3 interesting passionate guys over a pint or two (or soft drink if you prefer). We're meeting in the function room that's located above the bar - to access the room you'll need to let the bar staff know your intention as you literally have to go behind the bar and up the stairs to reach the room - it's on the first floor. This is the old location of the Social Media Cafe so if you've been there then it will already be a familiar location.
What about food? The pub serve good hearty "pub food" and hence you are welcome to order food though Microsoft won't be picking up the bill!
How can I sign up? Please add your contact details to the list below
Jeff Hansen and Angus Logan are keen to meet interesting people on their way back to Redmond following Le Web - their details are shown below
Jeff Hansen
General Manager – Services Strategy / Live Mesh, Microsoft Corporation
Jeff Hansen reports to Ray Ozzie and is responsible for helping drive Microsoft’s services strategy. Central to this strategy is the “Software plus Services” approach that brings together the best of cloud-based services and the software that resides on a world of devices. An approach that utilizes the power of local client and/or on-premises server software combined with the reach and always up-to-date nature of services in the cloud. As part of this effort, over the last three years Jeff has worked closely with Microsoft’s Live Services platform team on the mesh initiative - providing Product Management support for the Live Mesh offering and the recent introduction of the mesh technologies in the developer focused Live Framework – Community Technology Preview. Live Mesh is a marquee example of the S+S approach – providing symmetry between the client and the cloud by using the web as a hub to bring together a wide range of user’s devices. Enabling individuals to manage, access, and share their information and programs seamlessly on the web and across their world of devices. Deliverying on the vision of computing experiences that seamless span the ‘data, devices, people, and applications’ people interact with everyday.
Angus Logan
Senior Technical Product Manager, Live Services, Microsoft Corporation
Responsible for all technical product management of Microsoft’s Live Services (consists of Windows Live Platform / Live Framework / Live Mesh), Angus’ team manage content creation, high-value opportunity management, and developer experience. Prior to being on the Live Services team, Angus was a Portals Technology Specialist with Microsoft Australia, worked for several Microsoft partners, was an MVP, and co-authored a book on Microsoft Content Management Server. You can read Angus’s blog at http://blogs.msdn.com/angus_logan/ or spot him around the world.
James Senior
Technical Evangelist, Live Services, Microsoft Corporation
James Senior is responsible for driving global awareness and understanding of Microsoft’s Live Services (including Live Framework and Live Mesh) to technical audiences and business decision makers. Prior to this role in Redmond, James worked as a Technology Specialist for Microsoft in the UK and as Senior Developer at Intel Corporation. James blogs frequently at www.jamessenior.com and you can follow him on Twitter here: www.twitter.com/jsenior.
- Jeff Hansen - Microsoft
- Angus Logan blog - Microsoft
- Steve Lamb twitter blog - Microsoft
- sharker
- Toby Henderson www.twitter.com/holytshirt
- Liam Westley geekswithblogs.net/twickers / www.twitter.com/westleyl (jiggled day to now arrive on time!)
- Dave Evans www.twitter.com/DaveDev
- Sebastien Lambla http://serialseb.blogspot.com www.twitter.com/serialseb (3am departure)
- Jamie Thomson http://jamiethomson.spaces.live.com | http://blogs.conchango.com/jamiethomson | http://twitter.com/jamiet
- Steve Clayton: Geek In Diguise blog Twitter
- Matthew Adams: blog
- Peter Ibbotson http://www.ibbotson.co.uk/peteri twitter
- Dominic Green http://blogs.msdn.com/domgreen/ | www.twitter.com/domgreen
- Paolo Barone http://blogs.msdn.com/pblog | twitter.com/pbarone
- Jacqueline Moon
- Alan Dean http://twitter.com/adean | http://alandean.blogspot.com/
- Matt Barrett
- Jelle Niemantsverdriet http://twitter.com/jelle_n
- Matt Dumphreys
- Matt Lambert - Inferno
- Greg Salmon - Inferno
- James Senior - Microsoft - Blog :: Twitter
- Jason Langridge - Microsoft - http://blogs.msdn.com/jasonlan
- Matthew Gain - Microsoft - http://twitter.com/matthewgain
- Andi Chandler
- Ian Race ian_race@ml.com
- Saqib Shaikh - Microsoft (SaqibS on Twitter, there'll be something at www.SaqibShaikh.com some day!)
- Steve Edwards
- Ben Nunney http://www.theopenbracket.net | www.twitter.com/bennuk
- Duncan Gurney - Inferno
- James Cowe - name product
- Sigurd Snorteland - Bouvet
- Daniel Love - AKQA - http://twitter.com/danlove
- Robert Hooker
- Jas Dhaliwal - Contracting to Microsoft - Twitter ||The Web Pitch Blog
- Viral Tarpara - Microsoft Evangelist (UK) - Have You Seen My Stapler Blog Twitter
- Jamie Burgess - Microsoft (UK) Partner Technology Specialist - www.jamieeburgess.com
- Kristian Carter www.twitter.com/kristianc
- Ann Witbrock
- Scott Cowan twitter blog
The Magic Bullet System 2
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